Sunday, March 23, 2008

Airline Game

(Robotic voice)~Would you like to play a game?
(RV)~Great, let's practice first. From what source is the seat filler that Continental Airline uses procured from?
(You)~Slate Rock and Gravel Company
(RV)~Great, one question left, are you ready?
(You)~ Yup
(RV)~What cultural icon worked at this quarry (no Google searches please, like the German trains, your integrity is appreciated)?
(RV)~Wow, you are awesome. How about one more? Name at least three principles you have learned at Duquesne that would help Continental operate as if its head was not lodged in a proverbial spot?

(RV)~Splendid. I hope you had as much fun playing this game as I did.


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